Circle of Hearts Threshold Choir

Circle of Hearts Threshold Choir

Whiskey Falls

In the Circle, we are all equal.
There is no one in front of you
And there’s nobody behind you.
No one is above you; no one is below you.
The Circle is sacred because it is designed to create unity.
~Lakota Wisdom

Who We Are

The Circle of Hearts Threshold Choir brings together women from the foothills of the Sierra Mountains who desire to serve those at various thresholds of life, whether due to illness, pain, grief, or the passing from this life. We offer compassion and kindness through peaceful, calming, gentle, secular a cappella music.

By request, and in groups of 3 or 4, we sing for individuals at home, as well as those in care facilities, hospitals, and hospice situations. We are available to serve for memorials and other remembrance events as a larger group, although we are not considered a “performance” group. There is never a charge for our gift of audible kindness.


We practice on the second and fourth Sundays of each month in North Fork, California.

Our rehearsals focus on learning to sing quietly, listening to each other, and blending our voices as we prepare ourselves for bedside singing — although singing at bedside is not a requirement for being a member of the choir. We practice together in various groupings to further enhance our abilities to blend and truly hear each other so that we are able to build trust and learn to support each other in any bedside circumstance. The ability to sing at bedside takes time, practice (during and outside of rehearsals), and commitment to learning and memorizing the chapter repertoire.

Joining Our Chapter

As a growing chapter, we welcome interested singers to join at any time without auditions. There are, however, some requirements that will help you decide if the choir is a good fit for you.

We ask that you:

  • Be able to carry a tune.
  • Be able to hold your part (melody and a harmony if you choose), while others sing a different harmony.
  • Be able to sing softly and blend your voice with others (or sincerely want to learn to do so).
  • Be able to communicate kindness with your voice.
  • Be willing to use self-monitoring and accept peer feedback as we work together to bring the sweetest, most blended, and graceful sound possible to our clients.
  • Attend rehearsals regularly.
  • Are willing and able to create time outside of Sunday rehearsals (whether it be on your own or at the “bonus” practices offered) to learn and practice the music.

Contact Us

If you are interested in singing with us or want to request our presence at bedside, please contact us at [email protected]. You may also call (801) 706-6538 and leave a message.