Owen Sound Threshold Singers

Photo courtesy Skyart Inc. www.skyartstock.com  (c)2018 Arjen & Jerrine Verkaik/SKYART. All rights reserved.

Who We Are

Our group first came together in the spring of 2017 with the intention of learning a few songs that we could sing for those at the threshold of life, and also for their families and caregivers. We are caring, compassionate volunteers who offer comfort with our voices.       We honor all paths and have no religious affiliation.

There is no charge for our singing; it is given freely.

In addition to singing at bedsides in groups of three or four at the Residential Hospice of Grey Bruce, Chapman House in Owen Sound, Ontario, we also sing as a choir at quarterly memorial services held there.


We sing together twice a month, led by our music director, at the Residential Hospice of Grey Bruce, Chapman House. In addition to learning melodies, harmonies, and lyrics, we focus on listening to each other in order to blend our voices. We also use this time to come together as a community and offer a supportive environment for each other.

Being ready to sing at bedsides follows a period of preparation during which singers memorize the core songs and develop confidence in their ability to hold the melody or harmony. Readiness varies with each person.

It is important to attend the practices regularly. This style of singing is an individual practice in the same way meditation and prayer are a practice, and it is also a commitment to the group. Regular attendance allows a depth of trust to grow among the members, who depend on each other in many ways.

We do not require auditions of new singers, and yet our work requires a certain level and style of vocal skill. The international Threshold Choir outlines some general guidelines for those who want to join with the intent of singing at bedsides.

We ask that you be able to:

  • Carry a tune
  • Hold your own part (or sincerely want to learn) while others sing harmony
  • Sing softly and blend your voice with others (or sincerely want to learn)
  • Communicate kindness with your voice
  • Use self-monitoring and accept peer feedback as we work together to bring the sweetest, most blended, and graceful sound to our precious clients

Contact Us

See the tabs for more information about the Threshold Choir organization. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like more information about Owen Sound Threshold Singers, to request our services, or to inquire about joining our local group.